Friday, August 2, 2013

Riding + Running = Ride and Tie - Are you ready?

The 4th Annual Benefit Ride and Tie for One Heart is Saturday, August 31. That folks is only 29 days away! Have you been practicing?

What is a Ride and Tie? 
It's a fast growing sport that combines elements of endurance horse riding and trail riding. A team consists of two people and one horse. The object is to cover a specified distance by having each human team member ride and run.

Our Ride and Tie has three distances: 6, 12 and 20 miles. The race will start and finish at the Heart of Iowa Trail in Maxwell, Iowa.

All the proceeds from the event help support One Heart Equestrian Therapy. You can find more information on the website or Facebook Page.

If you decide your horse (or you) aren't quite ready to tackle the race, we'd LOVE to have you volunteer and cheer on our racers! Although you could do the whole thing at a walk if you really wanted. To volunteer please send an email to Kris Lager at with "Ride and Tie Volunteer" in the subject line. 


Carla said...

Are there any new posts for 2014? I follow with email and haven't seen any.
How are the horses doing? Ready for Spring?

katie said...

Carla- We're trying to figure out how to do a better job of keeping the blog up to date this year. The horses are good and isn't everyone ready for Spring?