Monday, May 9, 2011

Our New Motto!

You have often heard us say, "Many hands make light work".  It's a great motto.  Now, we have a new one.

"Get your Walk-On"

 Everyone, parents, instructors, program directors, riders, volunteers and horses all know that the horse doesn't go until they hear "Walk ON!"    For many riders these are the first words they ever have spoken.  For some of our riders it sounds like, "Waaaaa".   For others it is "AAAAAK"    It all means the same, "Walk-ON!".   The whole team responds to the command.  This is the phrase all of our riders remember each ride, each week and each year.  It means more than we can describe.  It means everything.  Now, it means more.  For leaders and sidewalkers, grooms, horses and arena assistants, as well as instructors - we all know after an hour working in arena footing - you have had a work out.  Forget the gym, forget your treadmill, forget your trainer, forget the jaunt around the neighborhood, forget the powerwalking.  What we have is Better!    Come to One Heart and Get Your Walk-On.   You will find it as motivating and fulfilling as any self-motivated reasons you may have for taking a walk.   See you soon!    Kris

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