Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Spirited New Year!

Hi All;
Hope this finds you nestled inside. If you are in the airport...I hope your layover is not weather related and your WI-FI is free :)

This picture is of Buddy (in the lead) and Alex playing this morning. A brief break from hugging the big bale. They are feeling great for a couple of 20 year olds.

Thanks for your support of the Angel Tree at Theisen's in Ames. Our bucket is filled and the table is starting to hold goodies. I forgot to put salt blocks on our wish list....some Santa added a mineral block which is good. We also received a check from GoodSearch! Thanks to Katie, One Heart receives a donation each time you use this search engine. Look through the blog and on the website for more info on GoodSearch and GoodShop.

We have received several humbling donations from all around the community at year's end. As we approach our 10th year, this support is not only generous but is a stong endorsement for the work you do. YOU, especially, the volunteers, Dani and Jennifer, donors, and horse donors make this all possible.

Buddy and Alex are at "the home place" along with Peanut, Dandy and Miracle. At the "Jungle" are Bri, Shane, Rosie, and Missy (with friend Kyle). Misty and Rocky are on a little "vacation". We had to take T.J. and Coffee to the Vet school where they were euthanized. T.J.'s arthritic stifles were getting the best of him - and even though we were used to his "cranky" face, it was impossible for us to watch his expression change to pain. We had alot of respect for T.J. We wanted to hug away his cranky face but never really convinced him we were the good guys. He had some tremendous high points in his career with One Heart. He will be missed. Many of you didn't get to meet Coffee. She visited the arena early in the Spring but did not get a chance to work. Coffee started loosing weight when the rains and mosquitos hit this summer. We brought her to the home place for more hands-on care but we could not get her weight loss reversed. She was patient and cooperative with a hint of cranky little ol' lady syndrome (after all she was 29!). Contributing to the decision for euthanasia was a sudden onset of lameness in her left from leg. She seemed as confused as we were about the painful condition of her leg/hoof. She had been perfectly sound her whole life.


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