Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm Baaaa-ck :)

Hi Gang!

Special shout-out to Jerry - hope you are well,  Gaila, great to see you, Dani and Jen, thanks for finishing session 3, and Katie - prodding me back to the blog.   Thanks to all of you who offer comments.  It really encourages me to keep this up.   If you know me I chat, alot.  Chatting is not blogging.   I am a "reciter" not necessarily a writer, .
I want to start chiseling away at all the news.  We have to cover Special Olympics, what's going on with the PBS film, Session 3,  our trip to WEG, and my trip to Brazil.  Also, we have had several requests to have One Heart "get togethers" through the long winter.  Some suggestions are for social and educational opportunities.   Sounds good to me!   We should also think about a giant 10 year celebration!  One Heart was incorporated as a non-profit on sept. 24, 2001.  Our first riders went up June 4, 2002. 

On Sat. Oct. 30 we had several respond to our plea to help load out from Stagecoach for the Winter and get the horses to Colo.  Thanks to those who came....and brought a truck and muscle!
There's more to come tomorrow.  I also have to remember the World Percheron Congress and some horse updates.  Chat soon, I mean Blog soon,  Kris

1 comment:

zamzorro said...

Sounds like it has been a busy, fun, interesting and educational fall! Have a great holiday season!