Thursday, April 7, 2011

Come to the Barn

We hear that GPS might not direct you correctly to the new barn.  Please use the map on
 our website or your favorite mapping software.  
Just for simple orientation;
140 St. is an E-W gravel road.
140th St. can be access from a blacktop - R-77 (or 600th St).  R-77 runs N-S.  
R-77 is accessed by either E-29 (exit off I-35)  or E-18 (exit off I-35)
By using E-29, you will travel east from I-35 until you come to R-77 with T's in from the north.  Turn L, or north.   You will come to 140th  St.
To mark the intersection of 140th St. and R-77  I have put a tall stick with a blue triangle flag at the top in the corner post where you turn.    The setup is like one of the flags that is on the back of a dune buggy or an ATV, or go-cart.  Here are photos of the intersection as you come from the north down R-77 and driving up from the South on R-77. 
We need a crew Saturday and Sunday.  I will be there Thursday beginning at 3:30 pm.  See you there!

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