Friday, April 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
No classes tonight, Tues

Monday, April 18, 2011
Riders are up and it's Good!
Hi All;
We started our ride Sat. for Session 1 and had a great time. The new facilities are getting all kinds of rave reviews from riders, parents, staff, and volunteers. It was beautiful teamwork to have everyone work together to find the best procedures in the new building complex. We did pretty well considering the "competition" from Veisha. We could definately use a handful more vols. All I can say is that we all felt quite good from the wonderful rides we had.
More riding Tuesday and Thursday this week. Our riders are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and making new friends. Thanks! Walk On.

Monday was a very good day. Our Instructor-In-Training, Hannah put her first classes up. After a sleepless night of fretting - she did a terrific job. I have included in the post a photo that I took. The significance of this is that our "photographer" is sidewalking. I am sure he would do a much better job than I did - even after this shot got a photoshop "bath". So, if you can come Monday, maybe we can get some better pictures :)
More riding Tuesday and Thursday this week. Our riders are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and making new friends. Thanks! Walk On.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Girl Scout Tsunami hits One Heart
The Roland-Story Junior Girl Scout troups came to One Heart for a "Wednesday Work Day". And boy did they do a great job!
The gang of 13 youngsters with two leaders attacked the chores with ferver. So many things were accomplished, bringing us a step closer to our start day - THIS Saturday! After chores their other leader, Jen arrived to conduct some horse chores. Bri got a start on her mane and there are much fewer burrs in everyone. Can't thank you enough Scouters - come back soon. Kris
The gang of 13 youngsters with two leaders attacked the chores with ferver. So many things were accomplished, bringing us a step closer to our start day - THIS Saturday! After chores their other leader, Jen arrived to conduct some horse chores. Bri got a start on her mane and there are much fewer burrs in everyone. Can't thank you enough Scouters - come back soon. Kris
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Where Did Dandy and Miracle Go?

Yes, there is a wash rack at the new location!
Thanks gang for all your help setting up and preparing for session 1 in our new location. We look forward to having all our volunteers come enjoy the new place. We start riding on Saturday and have added classes on Monday mornings, Tuesday and Thursday evening. Lots of super choice vol shifts. Check Facebook for carpool info if you need it. It is under the "discussion" tab. See you soon!
Volunteers, we need you
Riding begins Saturday, April 16th. Please check the schedule on the website for shifts. Keep in mind that this is also VEISHA Sat. We won't have a long day - but the first day of first session is usually a doozie :)
The horses have all been introduced to the new arena and love it. Please email Kris with your prefered shift. Here are Buddy and Missy checking out the new place....and also begging for treats.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Me and My Shadow
Sunday was a fun day at the barn. Lots of cleaning and some horse work. Two new ponies came on trial. Rodey is a 14 year old mare who has had lots of kid miles. Sorry I don't have her picture yet. I was too captivated by Alex and his new little buddy, another new donation, Prancer. Alex is 22 and Prancer is 5. They really seemed to hit it off!
Don't forget to contact Kris for your vol shift. Check out the calender on this website for shift times

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Come to the Barn
We hear that GPS might not direct you correctly to the new barn. Please use the map on
our website or your favorite mapping software.
Just for simple orientation;
140 St. is an E-W gravel road.
140th St. can be access from a blacktop - R-77 (or 600th St). R-77 runs N-S.
R-77 is accessed by either E-29 (exit off I-35) or E-18 (exit off I-35)
By using E-29, you will travel east from I-35 until you come to R-77 with T's in from the north. Turn L, or north. You will come to 140th St.
our website or your favorite mapping software.
Just for simple orientation;
140 St. is an E-W gravel road.
140th St. can be access from a blacktop - R-77 (or 600th St). R-77 runs N-S.
R-77 is accessed by either E-29 (exit off I-35) or E-18 (exit off I-35)
By using E-29, you will travel east from I-35 until you come to R-77 with T's in from the north. Turn L, or north. You will come to 140th St.
To mark the intersection of 140th St. and R-77 I have put a tall stick with a blue triangle flag at the top in the corner post where you turn. The setup is like one of the flags that is on the back of a dune buggy or an ATV, or go-cart. Here are photos of the intersection as you come from the north down R-77 and driving up from the South on R-77.
We need a crew Saturday and Sunday. I will be there Thursday beginning at 3:30 pm. See you there!Sunday, April 3, 2011
Is it a bird? Is it a Plane, No - It's a One Heart Volunteer
Faster than a speeding bullet..... |
Volunteer training is coming up on Thursday, April 14 from 6-8 pm at the new location - 59149 140th St. Roland. Please check the website for a map, directions, my cell, whatever you need for directions. Also, This is HUGE - if you need a ride, we are letting everyone set that up through our Facebook page. It is under the discussions tab. It is all up to you. Let's see how you can work that social network, kiddos!!
All this week we plan to be at the barn cleaning and organizing. What fun to see all the fun stuff and find it a place. We have two tack rooms, an office, and a giant activity center to set up.
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