The horses dropped off a holiday list at Theisens in Ames under the tree. They also like gift cards. (Y'all know how they love to shop. :D) The horses and volunteers appreciate every item. And I'm pretty sure the horses are stocked on treats... no matter what they say!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Angel Tree @ Theisens in Ames
Friday, November 4, 2011
Ride and Tie photos
More photos have been posted on the Benefit Ride and Tie for One Heart Equestrian Therapy web site Here are just a few:
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Fall update

On August 28th we celebrated One Heart's 10th Anniversary out at the barn with an ice cream social and silent auction. THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us get this far. We couldn't do it with out volunteers. We hope everyone enjoyed seeing the facilities in Roland.

We have LOTS of photos from several photographers so it's taking a bit longer than we thought to get them up. But keep checking back on our Facebook Page and on the Ride and Tie website.
But wait! we're not done (not by a long shot)! Saturday September 10th was the Iowa Special Olympics Equestrian Event at Jester Park. I don't have results but I hear Rosie, Shane and Bri worth their weight in "Gold, Silver, and Bronze" :)
The next week (are you keeping up? it's the week of September 12 now) we started Session 3 for all of our riders and drivers. We put people up on Tuesday and Thursday nights (5:30-8:30pm) and Saturday mornings (8am-1pm). The more volunteers the merrier! So please come out and help. We can give you day of training. (It's useful if we know ahead of time so just give Kris a buzz if you can- but if not don't worry just show up and join the fun!) There's still 4 weeks left of Session 3.
I think sometime around the end of October we'll be rested up. Maybe in time for Halloween? As you can see it's been a VERY busy and exciting fall. I'm sure Kris, Dani and Jen will get around to giving more details and photos when they've finished their naps! :-P
Until next time!
Katie- web communications volunteer
Special Olympics,
vol shifts
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
ATO Fraternity House Meets Animal House
One Heart put 25 young men from Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity of Iowa State University to work on Wednesday. Boy, were they alot of help! Things got built, moved, sorted, cleaned, painted, moved again, swept, washed, arranged, and repaired. Following all that work we had a chance to have our volunteers try out Petunia. This was her first round with a rider. She was great! Of course, there was some newness to having sidewalkers and a rider on backwards but Jen and I were pleased with what we saw. Fritz also came into the arena for the first time and played with all the stuff. He was especially facinated with the mounting block which he kept pawing and chewing. When a barrel was rolled in front of him, he stepped up to it instead of backing away. All we have to do now is not SPOIL him!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Help Locate Everyone for the 10th Anniversary Celebration
10th Anniversary Celebration: Sunday, August 28th 4 - 6 PM
at One Heart: 59149 140th St. Roland, IA
Hi Gang;I have this lovely picture of Rosie, Kyle and Shane printed as an invitation postcard. I used my handy dandy PhotoShop to turn one of my fuzzy pics into this fresco. I think it is coooool.
Right now I am putting together a mailing list for the invitations. I opened an old folder titled "Historic Mailing Lists" This goes back to 2001! MANY,MANY, MANY of our volunteers, as students, have moved far and wide since their contributions to One Heart.
Can you help me find them? There were 250 volunteers in our 2nd year! Can you imagine how many total? Other than a mailing list of a kajillion.......I only have very OLD addresses. Most defunct.
So, if you have kept track of friends, neighbors, roomates, relatives, church members, town folk, high school buddies that came to One Heart - let me know I am looking for them :)
Here's the deal......if you would like a postcard invitation, I can mail it to your postal address IF I have it.
2. If you see this and don't need a mailing, please send me an email that you have heard about the party. 3. If you could let me know if you can come or not that would be nice, since we are rounding up ice cream and the works right now.
By the way, if you think Facebook would help try that. We have a FB page. We just need friends. It is not a "group" page but a regular page. I think it is listed as a "place". I'm not the FB-master....I am just trying to catch on. The FB page is One Heart Equestrian Therapy.
Now for the goodies!!!!!! Maureen will be at the party and is dying to catch up with you all. Reading through the mailing lists of old, I know how much you have all contributed and how much we miss seeing you. You might be interested to know how many names are on the old lists and we still have them 'hanging around' - joyfully!!!
The silent auction is featuring ISU stuff such as football tickets, football and basketballs signed by the coaches, a Seabiscuit movie poster, books, dining certificates, etc, etc. Have to come see!
This is open to riders, their families, volunteers, their families, donors and friends, their families, supporters, their families, group home staff, well.....our buddies!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Petunia and Fritz Join One Heart
Hi Gang;
After meeting Petunia and Fritz at their home in South Dakota, we were pretty convinced that they would suit our program. Due to the milage, the owners agreed to meet us 1/2 way to make the exchange. This looked like Sac City. Due to the suppressive heat, the owners were interested in making the exchange early in the morning. Earlier than I wanted to, Jennifer, Dani, Lucy and I drove to Storm Lake the night before. This is because - unbelievable as it might seem - the Sac City Motel was full! Storm Lake was the next closest. We arrived late Sat., July 16th - so late the innkeeper had called to tell us to find our key in they mailbox and to check ourselves in. We were to check out in the morning but left before seeing anyone.....It was quite a stay. I won't say it was terrible, but it didn't help convince Jennifer that motels were a step up from camping!
We met the Christensens, the owners of Petunia and Fritz in Early, Iowa. They unloaded and reloaded perfectly and we were on the way. We made it to the barn and got them pastured to rest. The picture I have of them is when they arrived. I jumped out of the truck into the heat and humidity and when I snapped the shot - I found the lens had fogged over from the drastic change in temp.
Last night we gave Fritz his first haircut - The Fjord Buzz. He looks awesome! He also started in lines last night. Can't wait for you to meet them.
Chat soon; Kris
After meeting Petunia and Fritz at their home in South Dakota, we were pretty convinced that they would suit our program. Due to the milage, the owners agreed to meet us 1/2 way to make the exchange. This looked like Sac City. Due to the suppressive heat, the owners were interested in making the exchange early in the morning. Earlier than I wanted to, Jennifer, Dani, Lucy and I drove to Storm Lake the night before. This is because - unbelievable as it might seem - the Sac City Motel was full! Storm Lake was the next closest. We arrived late Sat., July 16th - so late the innkeeper had called to tell us to find our key in they mailbox and to check ourselves in. We were to check out in the morning but left before seeing anyone.....It was quite a stay. I won't say it was terrible, but it didn't help convince Jennifer that motels were a step up from camping!
We met the Christensens, the owners of Petunia and Fritz in Early, Iowa. They unloaded and reloaded perfectly and we were on the way. We made it to the barn and got them pastured to rest. The picture I have of them is when they arrived. I jumped out of the truck into the heat and humidity and when I snapped the shot - I found the lens had fogged over from the drastic change in temp.
Last night we gave Fritz his first haircut - The Fjord Buzz. He looks awesome! He also started in lines last night. Can't wait for you to meet them.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Full Fjord Immersion
Hi Everyone;
Dani, Jennifer, Lucy and I started out July 16th at the Midwest Fjord Horse show held this year in Cedar Rapids. I was really glad I was not grooming for this one! It was HOT and muggy! It was really fun watching so many Fjords showing. It was also fun watching the trail class to see who might be able to work in therapy. There is a really neat class - Walk - Trot trail. The horse starts out the obstacle course being led through different stations. The rider then mounts 1/2 way through and completes the course. I had never seen this aspect added to trail. It was a good addition. It seemed most like a therapy class to me.
The most impressive classes were the driving. So nice and elegant. To me the highlight was wandering back in the barn and visiting with owners. The stall that stopped me was a lovely grey dun stallion with a pedigree plaque on the door. It caught my eye -"Anvil's Fjellrosa" - that was our Rosa! She was this stallion's paternal grandmother! Made me feel at home - made me miss Rosa.
We stayed at the show as long as we could.....
Dani, Jennifer, Lucy and I started out July 16th at the Midwest Fjord Horse show held this year in Cedar Rapids. I was really glad I was not grooming for this one! It was HOT and muggy! It was really fun watching so many Fjords showing. It was also fun watching the trail class to see who might be able to work in therapy. There is a really neat class - Walk - Trot trail. The horse starts out the obstacle course being led through different stations. The rider then mounts 1/2 way through and completes the course. I had never seen this aspect added to trail. It was a good addition. It seemed most like a therapy class to me.
The most impressive classes were the driving. So nice and elegant. To me the highlight was wandering back in the barn and visiting with owners. The stall that stopped me was a lovely grey dun stallion with a pedigree plaque on the door. It caught my eye -"Anvil's Fjellrosa" - that was our Rosa! She was this stallion's paternal grandmother! Made me feel at home - made me miss Rosa.
We stayed at the show as long as we could.....
Time to catch up!
Hi All;
I have tons of news and fun stuff to share. We are just starting our summer break. It's been a funky weather year but has finished off HOT! Keep checking back because I won't be able to share everything at this time. Too much chat!
The first item on the agenda is SAVE THE DATE. We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary on Sunday, August 28th from 5 - 7 pm. Maureen will be here! This is open to everyone...friends, riders, families, volunteers, donors, community. Please save the date and plan on dropping in. It is totally informal - just a chance to see you all. We will have displays from "over the years" and thank everyone "officially" around 6 pm. You can come and go - not a big sit down event. More info will be coming. We don't have a location at this time. Also, anyone willing to help put on a silent auction or donate goodies - we need help with this.
Another - SAVE THE DATE - the One Heart Equestrian Therapy Ride and Tie will be held this year on Sept. 3rd. Please see the website to register. This is a knockout FUN time. It's fun to watch.
Let me catch you up with the new location; We are at 59149 140th St. in Roland. This is a fantastic facility that has allowed us to really open up and expand. Our gracious hosts, Lon and Sandy love having us there. Lon pitches in all the time helping with the horses. We are helping him with his group of minis. There are two new foals that need halter practice and a yearling we are starting out for driving.
Meanwhile, we have been looking at......
I have tons of news and fun stuff to share. We are just starting our summer break. It's been a funky weather year but has finished off HOT! Keep checking back because I won't be able to share everything at this time. Too much chat!
The first item on the agenda is SAVE THE DATE. We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary on Sunday, August 28th from 5 - 7 pm. Maureen will be here! This is open to everyone...friends, riders, families, volunteers, donors, community. Please save the date and plan on dropping in. It is totally informal - just a chance to see you all. We will have displays from "over the years" and thank everyone "officially" around 6 pm. You can come and go - not a big sit down event. More info will be coming. We don't have a location at this time. Also, anyone willing to help put on a silent auction or donate goodies - we need help with this.
Another - SAVE THE DATE - the One Heart Equestrian Therapy Ride and Tie will be held this year on Sept. 3rd. Please see the website to register. This is a knockout FUN time. It's fun to watch.
Let me catch you up with the new location; We are at 59149 140th St. in Roland. This is a fantastic facility that has allowed us to really open up and expand. Our gracious hosts, Lon and Sandy love having us there. Lon pitches in all the time helping with the horses. We are helping him with his group of minis. There are two new foals that need halter practice and a yearling we are starting out for driving.
Meanwhile, we have been looking at......
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Derby Day at One Heart
We had a great time with Derby Day classes! Jen (instructor) had her first class decorate their saddle pads and helmets to match - like the jockeys. Jen also had a race course/candyland game set up in the arena. When everyone came in there were candy and cookies to represent Mint Julips and Grasshopper pie. For the big kicker......Jen had a craft table set up where vols, riders, and moms customized beautiful Derby Hats to wear. Here is just a selection of the pagentry and excitement befitting Derby Day.
"Like" us on Facebook
Hi all. Facebook is changing some things with the Group feature in the next few months so we're moving to a Page. There is a bit of a learning curve involved for all of use so please be patient. I'm not sure when the Group will go away... (I think) that's up to the people at Facebook.
Please "like" the new One Heart Page.
Please "like" the new One Heart Page.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Love those One Heart Volunteers
I can never remember - in 10 years - of having such a swing in weather. If you recall, we cancelled week 1's Tuesday night classes due to a blizzard. Today, check it out. It's week 4 and we could have cancelled tonight for either temperature (officially 97) or heat index (I don't want to know:) At one point we were calculating the "wind chill" of the breeze going through the arena. Please pardon the cobwebs on the arena thermometer - and also consider it was hanging on the west wall. Maybe it was broken ? Wishful thinking :)
The driving class ended with a trip to the wash rack for a shower.
Thank you all for a very nice evening.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Our New Motto!
You have often heard us say, "Many hands make light work". It's a great motto. Now, we have a new one.
"Get your Walk-On"
Everyone, parents, instructors, program directors, riders, volunteers and horses all know that the horse doesn't go until they hear "Walk ON!" For many riders these are the first words they ever have spoken. For some of our riders it sounds like, "Waaaaa". For others it is "AAAAAK" It all means the same, "Walk-ON!". The whole team responds to the command. This is the phrase all of our riders remember each ride, each week and each year. It means more than we can describe. It means everything. Now, it means more. For leaders and sidewalkers, grooms, horses and arena assistants, as well as instructors - we all know after an hour working in arena footing - you have had a work out. Forget the gym, forget your treadmill, forget your trainer, forget the jaunt around the neighborhood, forget the powerwalking. What we have is Better! Come to One Heart and Get Your Walk-On. You will find it as motivating and fulfilling as any self-motivated reasons you may have for taking a walk. See you soon! Kris
"Get your Walk-On"
Everyone, parents, instructors, program directors, riders, volunteers and horses all know that the horse doesn't go until they hear "Walk ON!" For many riders these are the first words they ever have spoken. For some of our riders it sounds like, "Waaaaa". For others it is "AAAAAK" It all means the same, "Walk-ON!". The whole team responds to the command. This is the phrase all of our riders remember each ride, each week and each year. It means more than we can describe. It means everything. Now, it means more. For leaders and sidewalkers, grooms, horses and arena assistants, as well as instructors - we all know after an hour working in arena footing - you have had a work out. Forget the gym, forget your treadmill, forget your trainer, forget the jaunt around the neighborhood, forget the powerwalking. What we have is Better! Come to One Heart and Get Your Walk-On. You will find it as motivating and fulfilling as any self-motivated reasons you may have for taking a walk. See you soon! Kris
Many Hands Make Light Work

Quick update for the week from Jen
- Done with finals? Enjoying perfect weather? Come out and play at the barn. We have several horses/minis that could use work, and with smaller classes this session it's the perfect time to do it. We're 90% unpacked, the tack room and stall are labeled, so the hard work has been done. And our riders would love to see some of our experienced volunteers again! Besides, you can come see how much a mini broodmare can stretch. We keep on expecting the Strumm's mini mares to have a foal at their side, but they just keep on getting wider and/or lower bellies. Poor girls. We should have a contest to see who can guess which mare and what day. I'm guessing the bay in 2 weeks.
- Thur. May 12: This is a biggie--most of our Thur night volunteers (including myself) need to be leaving for end of the year Girl Scout awards ceremony by 6pm. That's right when classes start! Only 2 riders per class, but they need 3 (and possibly more, don't know what Dani has planned) vols each. Tonight's volunteer base was 100% Girl Scouts, so we don't want to leave the class grounded next. The riders are making enormous, gigantic, wonderful progress with Dani, we don't want to slow them down! If you can't come, can you help spread the word? Even if you can add just this single Thur. night to your schedule that would help.
- Finally, we could use 4 more vols. for the Tue. 7-8 class. Tue is our busy day, with minis starting at 5, a sport class at 6, and our largest sport class at 7. Hopefully with school winding down we'll be able to pick up a few more people. But May is a busy month, so who knows. I'm thinking we need to make some vol recruiting posters to hang at fitness centers. I'm actually losing weight this week (I've been playing at the barn every day) and not noticing the deep sand so much. Rosie and Shane can sure speed walk. And Bri enjoys the bright arena, too. Almost miss the big hill at Stagecoach up to the barn, that made me work off some candy bars. But I'm quite content with the level gravel drive (and shorter distance) to the horses now. What can I say, I'm lazy. And I guess I'm not quick either!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mighty Minis Strike Again
The moment we have waited for. The custom carts are here, Miracle and Dandy are suited up, and able-bodied whips are in place. The therapeutic driving program is going strong again.
This class is with Jim and John who show exceptional skills already. We comment on their quiet hands and voice command skills.
Driving is on Tuesdays beginning at 5:00 pm. At the same time our first vol shift should be arriving to prep for the 6:00 pm class. If you can come to help, we need you Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
These pictures are from Dick our photographer. By the way, both pictures are of Miracle. Check out Jim negotiating the cones. Only one over on his first try. We will get trickier as the session goes on. Please come join us for the beautiful facilities, perfect weather and fun, happy smiles.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
What did I tell you about our photographer???

We have shifts Tuesday evening and Thursday evening that could use a few hands. I know we are transitioning over finals week. That gives me an opportunity to congratulate all of our volunteers who are graduating this year. Many have spent their whole college career fitting us into a busy schedule. Several have been able to incorporate a project for One Heart into a class report. For those who are not pursing jobs in far away places we look forward to you continuing with us. Many High Schoolers are also graduating soon and we plan to hang on to them if they select a career or college near home. Our best to you all!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
No classes tonight, Tues

Monday, April 18, 2011
Riders are up and it's Good!
Hi All;
We started our ride Sat. for Session 1 and had a great time. The new facilities are getting all kinds of rave reviews from riders, parents, staff, and volunteers. It was beautiful teamwork to have everyone work together to find the best procedures in the new building complex. We did pretty well considering the "competition" from Veisha. We could definately use a handful more vols. All I can say is that we all felt quite good from the wonderful rides we had.
More riding Tuesday and Thursday this week. Our riders are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and making new friends. Thanks! Walk On.

Monday was a very good day. Our Instructor-In-Training, Hannah put her first classes up. After a sleepless night of fretting - she did a terrific job. I have included in the post a photo that I took. The significance of this is that our "photographer" is sidewalking. I am sure he would do a much better job than I did - even after this shot got a photoshop "bath". So, if you can come Monday, maybe we can get some better pictures :)
More riding Tuesday and Thursday this week. Our riders are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and making new friends. Thanks! Walk On.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Girl Scout Tsunami hits One Heart
The Roland-Story Junior Girl Scout troups came to One Heart for a "Wednesday Work Day". And boy did they do a great job!
The gang of 13 youngsters with two leaders attacked the chores with ferver. So many things were accomplished, bringing us a step closer to our start day - THIS Saturday! After chores their other leader, Jen arrived to conduct some horse chores. Bri got a start on her mane and there are much fewer burrs in everyone. Can't thank you enough Scouters - come back soon. Kris
The gang of 13 youngsters with two leaders attacked the chores with ferver. So many things were accomplished, bringing us a step closer to our start day - THIS Saturday! After chores their other leader, Jen arrived to conduct some horse chores. Bri got a start on her mane and there are much fewer burrs in everyone. Can't thank you enough Scouters - come back soon. Kris
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Where Did Dandy and Miracle Go?

Yes, there is a wash rack at the new location!
Thanks gang for all your help setting up and preparing for session 1 in our new location. We look forward to having all our volunteers come enjoy the new place. We start riding on Saturday and have added classes on Monday mornings, Tuesday and Thursday evening. Lots of super choice vol shifts. Check Facebook for carpool info if you need it. It is under the "discussion" tab. See you soon!
Volunteers, we need you
Riding begins Saturday, April 16th. Please check the schedule on the website for shifts. Keep in mind that this is also VEISHA Sat. We won't have a long day - but the first day of first session is usually a doozie :)
The horses have all been introduced to the new arena and love it. Please email Kris with your prefered shift. Here are Buddy and Missy checking out the new place....and also begging for treats.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Me and My Shadow
Sunday was a fun day at the barn. Lots of cleaning and some horse work. Two new ponies came on trial. Rodey is a 14 year old mare who has had lots of kid miles. Sorry I don't have her picture yet. I was too captivated by Alex and his new little buddy, another new donation, Prancer. Alex is 22 and Prancer is 5. They really seemed to hit it off!
Don't forget to contact Kris for your vol shift. Check out the calender on this website for shift times

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Come to the Barn
We hear that GPS might not direct you correctly to the new barn. Please use the map on
our website or your favorite mapping software.
Just for simple orientation;
140 St. is an E-W gravel road.
140th St. can be access from a blacktop - R-77 (or 600th St). R-77 runs N-S.
R-77 is accessed by either E-29 (exit off I-35) or E-18 (exit off I-35)
By using E-29, you will travel east from I-35 until you come to R-77 with T's in from the north. Turn L, or north. You will come to 140th St.
our website or your favorite mapping software.
Just for simple orientation;
140 St. is an E-W gravel road.
140th St. can be access from a blacktop - R-77 (or 600th St). R-77 runs N-S.
R-77 is accessed by either E-29 (exit off I-35) or E-18 (exit off I-35)
By using E-29, you will travel east from I-35 until you come to R-77 with T's in from the north. Turn L, or north. You will come to 140th St.
To mark the intersection of 140th St. and R-77 I have put a tall stick with a blue triangle flag at the top in the corner post where you turn. The setup is like one of the flags that is on the back of a dune buggy or an ATV, or go-cart. Here are photos of the intersection as you come from the north down R-77 and driving up from the South on R-77.
We need a crew Saturday and Sunday. I will be there Thursday beginning at 3:30 pm. See you there!Sunday, April 3, 2011
Is it a bird? Is it a Plane, No - It's a One Heart Volunteer
Faster than a speeding bullet..... |
Volunteer training is coming up on Thursday, April 14 from 6-8 pm at the new location - 59149 140th St. Roland. Please check the website for a map, directions, my cell, whatever you need for directions. Also, This is HUGE - if you need a ride, we are letting everyone set that up through our Facebook page. It is under the discussions tab. It is all up to you. Let's see how you can work that social network, kiddos!!
All this week we plan to be at the barn cleaning and organizing. What fun to see all the fun stuff and find it a place. We have two tack rooms, an office, and a giant activity center to set up.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
First load of horses to the new location
Vols - start checking in. I have shifts set up. I will get them on the calender soon. Can't wait to ride! Kris
Alex and Buddy at the new location - the other horses are thinking this is a play date!
![]() |
Peanut and Miracle. Miracle is happy to be out of his stall - or mini "time out" since he was slipping through the fence for the greener grass. |
Today Buddy, Alex, Dandy, Miracle and Peanut cruised to Roland in ol' blue. They loved the new pasture with a run-in shed and lots of posts to scratch on. Their neighbors, the Strum's horses, across the drive were delighted to have visitors. Our gang settled right in. Then they saw the calves. Our "cow pony", Buddy snorted the most. The minis pretty much checked them out and then forgot about them. The calves were still staring at our herd when we drove away.
Dani, Jen and I spent a few minutes digging through the moved boxes, tubs, crates, and barrels and started setting up. Jen and I plan to spend some time there tomorrow if anyone would like to join us.
We had to compliment the owners on their wonderful design. The facilities are so easy to work in, so clean, and so spacious.
Vols - start checking in. I have shifts set up. I will get them on the calender soon. Can't wait to ride! Kris
Alex and Buddy at the new location - the other horses are thinking this is a play date!
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