Welcome to the One Heart Blog. Thanks to Katie for encouraging me to take this on and teaching me how. It only took her xxxx months!
They settled in with Stormy, Helen's three year old thoroughbred. here is a picture of them chasing Stormy. Perhaps Storm thought they were the barn cats, at first ? They soon were snorting and greeting each other in a true horse way. Dandy is on the left, Miracle is on the right. All of their 6 other full siblings have a name beginning with "D". Miracle's dam had difficulty at foaling and the vet pronounced, "If the foal makes it, it will be a miracle." And it was.
Let me tell you about how I think this blog will work. I will post, when I can, and the voice will be as if I am talking to YOU. I intend for this to be a way that all the volunteers, staff, me, and the community to keep track of what is happening at One Heart. We just finished our last session for 2009 and we are looking at a very long winter until we can all get together again. We keep busy some fun, some not so fun, but the volunteers are usually eager to keep up with all the news. So, I will give it a try.....
Thanks to the networking of volunteers and our website we were recently contacted
about some new horses to consider for donation.

Misty, a five year old Haflinger mare arrived Nov. 1. She is about the size of Rocky. So far, she is not following the herd. I think she was somewhat overwhelmed by the gang. It might take her some time, but I think she will find a friend. Dani, Jen, and I went to check her out and we think she will be suitable for therapy in the spring. She is very sweet and gentle. She is a very pretty mare with lots of Haflinger type.
Monday, two Mini's from Mankato, MN arrived! We are smitten with the boys. Dandy and Miracle are full brothers 8 & 6 years old. They are only 31 inches tall, broke to drive all sorts of ways. They are sweeties. To avoid the burrs - they went to live with Helen at Wildrose Farm.

I think I have entered the blogging sphere with a bang....and with pictures. How's that Katie!?!
Check back frequently, I will try to keep up. Kris
YAY Kris!!!!! I knew you could do it! ;p
Congrats Kris!
This will be a great way to keep informed about One Heart in the "off season".
Thanks for getting it done.
Great job!! This will be a great way of keeping connected with all of us!! Thanks for doing this!!!
Nice job Kris!
I loved the pitures and update; what a great way to let everyone know what's up at One Heart!
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