Last night we had volunteer training at Stagecoach. What a mob! We had some familiar faces show up: Dean, Pat and Bethany. Bethany started <16 when we were still at the fairgrounds. Here she was ready to apply to vet school. We also met at least 25 new, eager folks who listened to the schpeel and had good ol' Rosie demonstrate leading, sidewalking and the other horsey stuff. Rosie was shuttled to Stagecoach from the Jungle just for the occassion. She did pretty well considering she didn't have her herd with her. She wondered where they could be....kept looking toward the pasture and pawing at the gate.
In the Spring our friends' hearts turn to One Heart. I have had a dozen vols email in their choice of shift! Such a wonderful response. We still have our ear to the ground waiting for some more familiar faces. Watch the website calender - but to clarify: We will ride on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. We have two shifts for vols on Tues- 4-6 & 6-8 pm. On Sat. we have three shifts: 7:30-9:30 / 9:30 - 11:30 / 11:30 - 1:30. We START classes Tuesday, April 20 and Saturday April 24. We really have some fun classes put together. If you ol' pro volunteers recall your first shift......please consider signing up to help guide our new folks.
Even if you are a "seasoned" volunteer you will see 5 new horses coming to the arena. All 5 need to be fully evaluated. Then there is Rocky. Rocky is ready to have a real job (we think:) He has practiced being a therapy horse all of his life, essentially. It is time he gets a real try.