Vol Eileen and I met last night and submitted our application to host a sanctioned Ride and Tie Race!
Our application lists the date as Sept. 4th. That is the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend. We have listed the Heart of Iowa Nature Trail (HINT)as our location.

To qualify as a sanctioned race, we had to outline a minimum of a 20 mile trail. This calculates on the HINT as start in Collins, end in Slater. Nice ride!
Keep going to the Ride and Tie Association website to get educated about Ride and Ties.
Our first official meeting of this planning committee will be held on Jan. 26th in Ames. Please email me at oneheart@netins.net for time and place.
We have a web developer creating a unique site for our Ride and Tie.
Keep in mind....this is the FIRST EVER Ride and Tie to be held in the Midwest, certainly in Iowa. It is something that Eileen and I have known about since the Levi company started them in the early '70s. Who'd-a-thunk that we would have one some day. Eileen is planning on competing, by the way and has started her training.